Showing posts with label SAHABA. Show all posts
Showing posts with label SAHABA. Show all posts

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Tareq Bin Ziyad

Tareq Bin Ziyad
Tariq ibn Ziyad was born in the tribe of Natzawah (a Berber tribe of North Africa). His father was an early convert to Islam who had joined the Faith since the days of the first liberator of North Africa, 'Uqbah ibn Nati' AI-Fihri . Upon the death of his father Tareq bin Ziyad , still a young teenager joined  the Muslim army in North Africa. Despite his young age he showed great courage and enthusiasm for the Faith and for its spread in the hearts of people.  Soon he won the trust of Musa ibn Nusair who appointed him Governor of Tangier and its surroundings in the Far West (as Morocco was called then), when the area was liberated from Roman control.  
History tells us that Spain at the time was suffering from turmoil and strife under the rule of Rodrigos who usurped the Spanish throne from its rightful heirs. Julian had sent his daughter to get education at the Spanish Court in Toledo. But Rodrigos apparently did not observe the rules of propriety in dealing with royal guests. Julian's daughter was badly mistreated and imprisoned by him. When her father learnt of the news he was enraged. Julian convinced the legal heirs of the Spanish throne to seek help from the Muslim Arabs who had conquered the whole of North Africa and were near the doors of the Iberian Peninsula. Both of them talked to Tariq ibn Zivad who suggested to them to talk to his Emir Musa ibn Nusair in Kairawan in Tunisia. Naturally, Musa ibn Nusair and Tareq bin Ziyad were already studying the ways and means of carrying the banner of Islam across the sea to Spain. So Julian's visit gave Mussa ibn Nusair a golden opportunity to learn more closely of the situation in Spain. Musa ibn Nusair wrote to the Caliph at Damascus for permission to invade Spain. Due to the novelty of the experience the Caliph was very reserved in his reply. He suggested that scouting expeditions be sent to Spain before any major invasion was undertaken. Tareef another Berber Muslim was chosen to lead 400 commandoes tor the task of military exploration or scouting. The expedition was a success. Upon the return of Tareef, Musa ibn Nusair decided that the time was ripe for the invasion.
Tariq ibn Zivad was chosen to lead the army of 5000 men under the pretense of saving the Spanish throne. Tariq ibn Ziyad was supported by a group of experts, Arab and Berber alike. Julian was to supply the ships to transport the fighters, and he was also to act as a guide for them on the Spanish land. It has been pointed out by historians that the move was a tactful and strategic one. For if the Muslims used their own ships it would have attracted attention to them. The Muslim fighters crossed the strait in groups and gathered at the mount called later the Mount of Tariq (Gibraltar), after the name of their commander. This was achieved in 92 A.H. (711 G.). In order to show his soldiers the seriousness of the situation,  Tareq bin Ziyad burnt all the ships that carried them to the Iberian Peninsula. In his historic speech to his army he said, "0 people! Where is the flight? The sea is behind you, and the enemy is in front of you. By Allah! You have no alternative except patience and steadfastness.
On Sunday, 28th of Ramadhan 92 AH  (19th July 711 AD) the battle  started between the Muslim army under the command of Tareq bin Ziyad and the Spanish army under the command of Rodrigues . Naturally, by then the Muslim army received a new reinforcement of 5000 men, carried this time by the Muslim fleet. Julian's men acted as agents for the conquerors by pointing out to the Spaniards the truth about the Muslims: that they were not colonizers, nor military invaders, but rather "carriers" of a message of peace and liberation. So, a part of the Spanish cavalry deserted Rodrigues. This caused chaos in the army, and many soldiers started running for their lives. However, the battle continued and the Muslims started winning the war. Rodrigues fled, leaving behind his defeated army.  In 14 months all the major towns of Toledo, Seville, Morda and others were under Muslim control, and in two years’ time almost the whole of the Iberian Peninsula was already under Muslim rule, which lasted for the next 800 years.
To the conquest of Spain by Muslims many historians attribute the cultural developments in Europe that led later to the Renaissance. The Muslims brought to Spain the net products of many civilizations that extended from the Atlantic Ocean in the West to India and China in the East. It was in Muslim Spanish centers of learning that many influential European scholars had their education.

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Ata bin rabah

The Slave who became a Teacher, to King (d. 104 A. H 225
The characteristic typical of all the Muslim heroes was their effort to direct their work for one and only one purpose; that is, the Pleasure of Allah. Whether in the Battle or in the mosque, in the royal courts or in the market-place those heroes' conduct never faltered.
Ata bin Rabah was an eminent personality of the second generation of Muslims who met or accompanied many Companions of the Prophet (pbuh). 'Ata' ibn Rabah was once at the doorsteps of the Umayyad Caliph Hisham ibn 'Abdul Malik in Damascus. Let us listen to what goes on between him and the Caliph.
The Caliph: What can we do for you, Abu Muhammad?
Ata : The people of the two Harams (Makkah and Madinah), the guests of Allah (i.e. pilgrims) and the neighbors of the Messenger, give them their allotted annual gifts.
_ We will (Turning to Secretary): Write a decree to that effect. What else, Abu Muhammad?
_ The people of Hijaz and Najd are the heart of the Arabs and leaders of Islam. , request that you return to them the surplus of their charity.
- Yes, anything else?
_ Yes. leader of the faithful, the soldiers at the frontiers of the Muslim lands. They are there in the face of your enemies, fighting whoever attempts to attack the land of Islam or hurt the Muslims. These people deserve generous salaries and supplies to be sent to them. For if they are lost our frontiers are gone.
- Yes. (Addressing the Secretary) Write a decree to that effect. Anything else I can do for you?
- (the non-Muslim subjects living in the Muslim State who, in return for paying tax, enjoyed protection and safety) should not be asked to do things beyond their means. For whatever tax they pay you is a help against the State's enemies.
The Secretary was ordered to write a decree to that effect. The Caliph asks: Anything else, Abu Muhammad?
- Yes. Fear Allah for your own sake. Remember that you were born alone; you will die alone, will be raised on the Day of Resurrection alone, and you will receive the Judgment alone. No one of your friends or relatives can be of any help at those times."
With these words Ata bin Rabah bid farewell to the Caliph.
Before going out a man sent by the Caliph offered a pouch full of money for him. 'Ata ibn Rabah, declined to take the money, quoting from the Qur’an: "I ask you no reward (for the advice). For my reward is with the Lord of the universe."
Now let's go back to the earlier day’s life in Makkah. 'Ata ibn Rabah was an Ethiopian, born a slave to a Makkan lady. Since his childhood he became interested in learning. He divided his time into three portions: one third he spent in the service of his mistress carrying out his duties as a faithful servant. The second portion he devoted to worship and prayers, and one third he devoted to learning whatever he could from the former companions of the Prophet (Peace Be Upon Him). The Makkan lady was impressed with her bondsman's devotion. So she set him free, giving him the chance to spend all his time in the Sacred Mosque of Makkah, learning first then teaching and engaged in devotions.His knowledge and piety earned him a high place in the hearts of the rulers and the ruled alike. Of his knowledge we are told that a great man like 'Abdullah ibn 'Umar was reported to have been surprised that people in Makkah needed to seek religious guidance from anyone while they had a man like 'Ata ibn Rabah amongst them.
In the presence of 'Ata' even the greatest of Muslim Caliphs humbled themselves as we saw in the incident mentioned earlier (where we witnessed the encounter between Hisham ibn 'Abdul-Malik and Ata bin Rabah). In Makkah, another Umayyad Caliph, Sulaiman ibn 'AbdulMalik, accompanied his two sons to sit humbly in the presence of the ex-slave to listen to his teachings in the Sacred Mosque. When he was asked about the man by his sons, the Caliph answered, "This was 'Ata ibn Rabah." Then he said, "My children seek knowledge. For through knowledge and learning the humble becomes great. The fool becomes wise, and slaves become superior to kings."
He lived about one hundred years and performed pilgrimage (Hajj) no less than seventy times.'ATA' BIN RABAH
The Slave who became a Teacher, to King (d. 104 A. H 225
The characteristic typical of all the Muslim heroes was their effort to direct their work for one and only one purpose; that is, the Pleasure of Allah. Whether in the Battle or in the mosque, in the royal courts or in the market-place those heroes' conduct never faltered.
Ata bin Rabah was an eminent personality of the second generation of Muslims who met or accompanied many Companions of the Prophet (pbuh). 'Ata' ibn Rabah was once at the doorsteps of the Umayyad Caliph Hisham ibn 'Abdul Malik in Damascus. Let us listen to what goes on between him and the Caliph.
The Caliph: What can we do for you, Abu Muhammad?
Ata : The people of the two Harams (Makkah and Madinah), the guests of Allah (i.e. pilgrims) and the neighbors of the Messenger, give them their allotted annual gifts.
_ We will (Turning to Secretary): Write a decree to that effect. What else, Abu Muhammad?
_ The people of Hijaz and Najd are the heart of the Arabs and leaders of Islam. , request that you return to them the surplus of their charity.
- Yes, anything else?
_ Yes. leader of the faithful, the soldiers at the frontiers of the Muslim lands. They are there in the face of your enemies, fighting whoever attempts to attack the land of Islam or hurt the Muslims. These people deserve generous salaries and supplies to be sent to them. For if they are lost our frontiers are gone.
- Yes. (Addressing the Secretary) Write a decree to that effect. Anything else I can do for you?
- (the non-Muslim subjects living in the Muslim State who, in return for paying tax, enjoyed protection and safety) should not be asked to do things beyond their means. For whatever tax they pay you is a help against the State's enemies.
The Secretary was ordered to write a decree to that effect. The Caliph asks: Anything else, Abu Muhammad?
- Yes. Fear Allah for your own sake. Remember that you were born alone; you will die alone, will be raised on the Day of Resurrection alone, and you will receive the Judgment alone. No one of your friends or relatives can be of any help at those times."
With these words Ata bin Rabah bid farewell to the Caliph.
Before going out a man sent by the Caliph offered a pouch full of money for him. 'Ata ibn Rabah, declined to take the money, quoting from the Qur’an: "I ask you no reward (for the advice). For my reward is with the Lord of the universe."
Now let's go back to the earlier day’s life in Makkah. 'Ata ibn Rabah was an Ethiopian, born a slave to a Makkan lady. Since his childhood he became interested in learning. He divided his time into three portions: one third he spent in the service of his mistress carrying out his duties as a faithful servant. The second portion he devoted to worship and prayers, and one third he devoted to learning whatever he could from the former companions of the Prophet (Peace Be Upon Him). The Makkan lady was impressed with her bondsman's devotion. So she set him free, giving him the chance to spend all his time in the Sacred Mosque of Makkah, learning first then teaching and engaged in devotions.His knowledge and piety earned him a high place in the hearts of the rulers and the ruled alike. Of his knowledge we are told that a great man like 'Abdullah ibn 'Umar was reported to have been surprised that people in Makkah needed to seek religious guidance from anyone while they had a man like 'Ata ibn Rabah amongst them.
In the presence of 'Ata' even the greatest of Muslim Caliphs humbled themselves as we saw in the incident mentioned earlier (where we witnessed the encounter between Hisham ibn 'Abdul-Malik and Ata bin Rabah). In Makkah, another Umayyad Caliph, Sulaiman ibn 'AbdulMalik, accompanied his two sons to sit humbly in the presence of the ex-slave to listen to his teachings in the Sacred Mosque. When he was asked about the man by his sons, the Caliph answered, "This was 'Ata ibn Rabah." Then he said, "My children seek knowledge. For through knowledge and learning the humble becomes great. The fool becomes wise, and slaves become superior to kings."
He lived about one hundred years and performed pilgrimage (Hajj) no less than seventy times.

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Animal Rights in Islamic Perspective

Prophet Peace Be upon Him - Love for Animals
Once, when the Prophet Peace be upon him was on a journey with his companions, he stopped over to answer the call of nature. Meanwhile, some of his companions noticed a redstart bird with two chicks. He took the chicks away. The bird came and began to circle around them flapping its wings. When the Prophet ~ came and saw the scene, he turned to his companions and said, "Who distressed the bird by taking its chicks from it? Return the chicks to the bird!"
With animals
On a different occasion, the Prophet! Ii noticed a burnt ants' nest. "Who burnt the nest?" he demanded. One of his companions replied, "I did." The Prophet Peace be upon Him became angry and said, "No one but Allah punishes with fire!" The Prophet PEACE BE UPON HIM was so merciful that if he saw a cat whilst he was performing ablution, he would lower the utensil down for the cat to drink from and then perform ablution from the leftover water.
Once he passed by a man who had laid a sheep on the ground and placed his foot on its neck to slaughter it while sharpening the knife as the sheep looked on. The Prophet PEACE BE UPON HIM became angry upon seeing this and said, "Do you want it to die twice? Why didn't you sharpen your knife before you laid it on the ground?"
On another occasion, he passed by two men in the middle of a conversation and each of them was sitting on his camel. When he saw this, he felt pity for the camels and therefore forbade people from using animals as chairs, meaning that one is not to mount  it except when required and that when the need is fulfilled, one should dismount and allow it to rest. The Prophet PEACE BE UPON HIM also forbade branding an animal on its face.
A story is related of the Prophet ~ and his camel called al' Adhba: Once a group of pagans attacked some camels belonging to the Muslims on the outskirts of Madinah. They took away all the camels including al-'Adhba, as well as a Muslim woman. Whenever they stopped over on their way, they let the camels loose so they could pasture. When they stopped over at a certain place and fell asleep, the woman got up in order to escape. She went to the camels so as to mount one of them. Each time she went near a camel, it made a noise, causing her to avoid approaching it lest the pagans woke up. She kept approaching the camels one by one until she came to al-'Adhba and moved it to discover that it was docile and well-trained. She then mounted the camel and made her way back to Madinah. When she felt safe, she was overcome with joy and said,"0 Allah, I vow to you that if you save me by means of this camel, I would sacrifice it for you!"
When the woman reached Madinah, the people recognized the Prophet's camel. The woman then went home and the people brought the camel to the Prophet PEACE BE UPON HIM. Later, the woman came and asked for the camel so that she could slaughter it. The Prophet PEACE BE UPON HIM  said, "How evil is the reward you give it! Allah saved you on it and now you want to slaughter it!"
The Prophet PEACE BE UPON HIM then said, "A vow is not valid if it is in disobedience to Allah, or with that which one does not own."
The Prophet PEACE BE UPON HIM would give Friday sermons resting his back on an erect trunk of a date-palm tree in his mosque. A woman from the Ansaar said, "0 Messenger of Allah, shall I not make something for you to sit on? I have a servant who is a carpenter, The Prophet PEACE BE UPON HIM said, "If you wish." The woman made a pulpit for him. The next Friday, the Prophet PEACE BE UPON HIM climbed the pulpit she had made, and as he sat on it, the tree-trunk behind him mooed like a bull screamed as if it was about to split in half. The mosque shook. The Prophet PEACE BE UPON HIM descended from the pulpit and embraced the trunk and it wailed like a child. Thereupon the Prophet PEACE BE UPON HIM said, "I swear by the One who has Muhammad's soul in His Hand, were it not that I embraced it, it would have continued crying until the Day of Resurrection."

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Abu Ubaidah bin Jarrah

Abu Ubaidah bin Jarrah

A handsome, pleasant, well-spoken man with a tall, slim physique and bright sharp eyes, he was an image of dignity and grace. These were his physical good looks. By character and nature he was humble and modest. Among his friends he was gentle and soft as silk; when it came to a war between good and evil he was as hard as iron. He had lost his two front teeth in the Battle of Uhud. Two of the iron links of the Prophet's helmet had pierced his head and he had pulled them out with his teeth. He was unparalleled for his integrity and honesty among the Companions and the Prophet had given him the distinguished title of 'Trustee of the Ummah'. His real name was 'Amir bin 'Abdullah bin Al-Jarrah, but he became famous as Abu 'Ubaidah bin Al-Jarrah . 'Abdullah bin 'Umar says that among the tribe of the Quraish there were three personalities whose appearance, mien, manners and modesty excelled all others. They also had the gift of eloquent and gentle speech. If people looked towards them they wished to keep on looking. In his opinion the three people were:
· Abu Bakr Siddiq
· Abu 'Ubaidah bin Al-Jarrah
· 'Uthmgn bin 'Affgn
Abu 'Ubaidah bin Al-Jarrah was among those very first distinguished Companion who had accepted Islam. He pledged allegiance to Islam just the day after Abu Bakr Siddiq who had invited him to accept it.
Abu 'Ubaidah bin Al-Jarrah, 'Abdur-Ralmgn bin 'Auf, Arqam bin Abi in the company of Abu Baltr Siddiq went into the presence of the Prophet and recited the pledge:

"None has the right to be worship but Allah and that Muhammad is His Messenger."
Doubtless these great people who were the foundations on which the castle of Islam was constructed. Abu 'Ubaidah bin Al-Jarrah & passed every trial and test with flying colors. The difficult situations created by the Quraish were met with courage, patience and fortitude. During this period of hardship sufferings they remained constant and firm. Every single moment they sincerely and honestly recognized the authenticity and truth of the Prophet as the 'Messenger of Allah. They never give any sine of despair or hopelessness; the test that was faced at the Battle of Badr was so critical that it is beyond human comprehension.
What happened in the Battle of Badr, Abu 'Ubaidalh bin Al-Jarralhah advanced ', tearing his way into the middle of the enemy ranks? Thus bold move of his created havoc and the enemy started to run helter-skelter. He was going around fearlessly in the middle of the enemy as if death was of no consequence and there was absolutely no danger.
His casual attitude frightened the Quraish. As soon as he came face to face with an enemy on horseback, the man would give way to him. But there was one man among them who would stand in front of him to challenge him and try to attack him with his sword. Abu 'Ubaidah bin Al-Jarrah would try to avoid him and retreat. But the man would insist on coming face to face to oppose him, and Abu'Ubaidah bin Al-Jarrah would always give him free passage and get out of his way. During the battle a stage came when the man had him trapped. There was no way that Abu 'Ubaidah bin Al-Jarrah could turn to avoid him; he could neither move toward front nor could he move back; all avenues were closed to him. Absolutely ensnared, he was forced to attack him on the head with his sword; his skull broke into two and in a moment he lay dead at his feet. Can you guess who this slain man could be? Doubtless the trial of faithfulness faced by Abu 'Ubaidah bin Al-Jarrah was extremely critical, few people are forced into such a situation. When he realized that the dead man was his father he was stunned. The fact was that the man he had killed was to all appearances his father, but in reality it was the standard-bearer of evil he had killed.
Fulfilling this exemplary role he had made it clear that in the balance it was Allah Almighty and His religion of Islam which outweighed all other considerations and even familial bonds. The love of Allah takes priority and is superior to all other bonds. Every moment the objective is in sight and of paramount importance (the glory of Islam).
"You (0 Muhammad %) will not find any people who believe in Allah and the Last Day, making friendship with those who oppose Allah and His Messenger (Muhammad g),even though they were their fathers or their sons or their brothers or their kindred (people). For such He has written Faith in their hearts, and strengthened them with Ruh(proofs, light and true guidance) from Himself. And He will admit them to Gardens (Paradise) under which rivers flow, to dwell therein (forever). Allah is pleased with them and they with Him. They are the party of Allah. Verily, it is the party of Allah that will be the successful." (59:22)
What better fate could one ask for than praise for one's deeds in the radiant Verses revealed in the Noble Quran? The depth of their belief in Allah Almighty gave them the certitude that the being who had created them would also provide for them; the Almighty Allah for Whose cause they had stepped out into the battlefield would provide ample means of sustenance for them, and He did provide something which had never even entered their minds.
The fighting was at its most intense in the Battle of Uhud. The sound of the clanging of swords was deafening, there was so much shouting and yelling that one's hair stood up on end. Both armies were equally matched. And then the enemy began to retreat, and the Muslim forces chased them right up to their tents; the archers too leapt down from their positions. Khalid bin Waleed surrounded them and the rest of the enemies too turned back. At this stage in the battle Abu 'Ubaidah bin Al-Jarrah was in the front ranks and surrounded, but realizing that the Prophet was in danger and breaking through the dangerous encircling enemy cordon, he reached him. The Prophet was lying down bleeding from his injuries and cleaning up the blood from his wounds. He was saying sorrowfully:
"How can those people prosper who have bloodied the face of their Prophet, though all he was doing was to invite them to their Creator and Sustainer?" Painting a picture of this painful scene, Abu Bakr Siddiq RA says: "The Prophet was injured in the Battle of Uhud. A couple of links from his own helmet had pierced through his forehead, which was bleeding. I ran towards him, and then suddenly, what I should see but a friend running towards him from the east. He reached him before me, and I saw that it was the self-sacrificing Abu 'Ubaidah bin Al-Jarrah RA. He requested that I should give him the honor of removing the links of the helmet. Then with great care, but at the same time with great force he held on to the links with his front teeth. He pulled out one link, but lost a tooth in the process. Then without bothering about the pain he must be suffering, again he held on to the other link with his teeth and exerted force. As the other link came out, he lost another tooth as well. Thus two of his teeth were sacrificed, but his beloved Prophet was relieved and found comfort. It seemed as if he looked even more handsome and graceful than before with the loss of his two front teeth, because it was all done for love of the Prophet g PBUH. All the other Companions of the Prophet used to look at him with envious eyes.
The Prophet loved Abu 'Ubaidah bin Al-Jarrah, his self-sacrificing Companion, deeply and often gave him preference over others. In the year 9th Hijrah delegation from Yemen came to meet the Prophet &. Instead of accepting Islam they wished to pay the Jazyah.
They very respectfully requested the Prophet PBUH that he should send someone trustworthy with them. When he heard their request he said he would send with them a person whom he trusted deeply and who would fulfill his obligations and his duty. Thus sentence he repeated three times. Each of the Companion present who heard this very complimentary sentence repeated by his beloved and respected Prophet PBUH , wished he would be the one chosen to fulfill the s trust.
'Umar Farooq & says: "I had never deeply wished to occupy any position, but when I heard this sentence repeated by the Prophet PBUH, I wished that I should be the object whom this praise was showered. I hurried for the noon prayers to the mosque. After having led the prayers, the Prophet looked to his left and to his right. I stretched my neck in order to attract his attention. He kept glancing at all the people who had assembled for the prayers.
Finally, his eye fell on Abu 'Ubaidah bin Al-Jarrah . He called him and told him to accompany the delegation and do what was just and right in fulfilling the contract with them. Abu 'Ubaidah bin Al-Jarrah went with the delegation to Yemen and according to the instructions received from the Prophet PBUH, fulfilled his duty. The laudatory sentences, the phrases of praise expressed by the Prophet became his life-savings for Abu 'Ubaidah bin Al-Jarrah . This was a unique honor for him, not shared by any of the other Companions.
In the wars of Badr, Uhud, Khandaq, Banu Quraidhah, and in the battles of Salasal, Dimashq, Fahal, Hamas and Yarmook and in many other less important battles, Abu 'Ubaidah bin Al-Jarrah proved his courage and daring. He was present at the signing of the Treaty of Hudaibiyah; in fact he was one of the signatories to it. He also accompanied the Prophet on Hajjalzt-ul-Wida'a (the last pilgrimage).
When the Prophet PBUH passed away, the Companions were heartbroken and lost. Every one of them had tears in his eyes and felt as if he was adrift and rudderless. The question was who should be the next Caliph was a very big problem. At this critical juncture Abu 'Ubaidah bin Al-Jarrah ; played a very significant role, in trying to calm down both the Ansar and the Muhajreen. Abu Bakr Siddiq addressed all the troubled Companions and said that they had the choice. 'Umar Farooq was among them; the Prophet had said about him that All Almighty had given predominance to Islam through him, then there was Abu 'Ubaidah bin Al-Jarrah . The Prophet had said that every religion has a safe-keeper, and that Abu 'Ubaidah bin Al-Jarrah was the repository of the Muslim Ummah's trust. He asked them to choose any one of them, but both these distinguished Companions move forwards and pledged allegiance to him.
Seeing this all the Muhajireen and Ansar also crowded around him and swore allegiance to him; all differences were resolved, and everyone breathed a sigh of relief. Thus, in a very simple yet well-planned manner he resolved a situation which was of critical significance for the Ummah. Abu 'Ubaidah bin Al-Jarrah was known to be a very successful General, but he was also known as a perceptive diplomat and skillful negotiator who could find peaceful solution for potentially violent and problematic situations and skillful negotiator who could find peaceful solutions for potentially violent and problematic situations. This was the reason why advantage was taken of this dexterity and skill of his in difficult situations to the very end of his life. The Prophet gave him the title of Amin-ul-Ummah (Trustee of the Ummah), Abu Bakr Siddiq offered him the first Caliphate and 'Umar Farooq said he would have made him Caliph if he had been alive.
After conquering the famous key city of Hamas in Syria General Abu 'Ubaidah bin Al-Jarrah, leading the Muslim army, moved on. He appointed 'Ubadah bin Samit look after Hamas. All the settlements on the way were conquered. Lazaqiah was a fortified town, this was besieged but it did not look like it would be easy to conquer it. Here the master strategist, General Abu 'Ubaidah bin Al- Jarrah planned a different modus operandi which amazed both friends and enemies. He ordered the Mujahideen to dig trenches in the open fields near the city. Once this was done he ordered his troops to end the siege. When the siege was lifted and his army withdrew, the people of the city were overjoyed. They thought all their problems had been solved. When the army withdrew and was no longer visible the people came out of the city. The whole day there was the usual hustle and bustle in the town, doors were left open and people kept moving in and out of the town. As soon as the sun set, the doors of the city were closed. He then asked his men to hide in the trenches they had dug, taking advantage of the darkness of the night. When morning came the doors of the city were opened and the people of the city went about as per their routine, moving in and out of the city.
Suddenly the Mujahideen came out of the trenches and entered the city and very easily conquered it. On the battlefront digging of trenches is today an accepted part of military strategy. It was Abu 'Ubaidah bin Al-Jarrah who first introduced these tactics in a battle.
Yarmook is the name of a river, which meets the river Jordan and about thirty miles further up the river Yarmook makes a circle and flows on. From here it flows into a huge plain. The famous war that was fought here during the Caliphate of Abu Bakr Siddiq came to be known as the war of Yarmook. It was the Roman army, consisting of two hundred thousand men, which fought here against the much smaller force of the Mujahideen consisting of forty thousand men only.
When Khalid bin Waleed reached here after a very long and tedious journey from Iraq, he was worried to see the scattered forces of the Muslims under several different leaders. Among them were different troops under Abu 'Ubaidah bin AI-Jarrah , Yazid bin Abi Sufysn, Sharjeel bin Masana and the fourth one under 'Amr bin 'Aas , KhAlid bin Waleed gathered everyone together and addressed them sorrowfully. He said that the enemy had entered the field very well-prepared and also outnumbered them by several times.
If they opposed them, divided into so many groups, they had no hopes of winning. In his opinion they should agree to hand over the command each day to a different leader; thus the Muslim army would present a picture of unity, oneness and understanding, and move rapidly towards victory. The command on the first day could be handed over to him, and one by one the other four could take over on the following days. The whole army was relieved and happy to hear this. After having been given command on the first day Khalid bin Waleed trained the Mujahideen in the light of his experiences. The two armies faced each other and there was very heavy fighting. The Romans lost more than a hundred thousand men on this very first day. The clanging of swords and the shouts and screams of the men could be heard from all sides. The Muaihideen were busy trying to wipe out the Romans, and advancing under the leadership of Khalid bin Waleed when a messenger arrived from the capital, Al- Madinall with a hand written message which he gave to Abu 'Ubaidah bin Al-Jarrah . He put it in h s pocket and did not tell anyone about it. When the Muslims had won convincingly and Khalid bin Waleed , was standing in the field as the victorious General of a victorious army, he handed over the message very respectfully to him.
Khalid bin Waleed was deeply moved as it carried the news of the passing away of Abu Bakr Siddiq &;. He said:
"To Him All we belong and to Him we return."
Further he was informed that 'Umar Farooq as the new Caliph, and thanked Allah Almighty for this. After this he read the shocking news that he had been removed from his command and Abu 'Ubaidah bin Al-Jarrah had been appointed Commander of the Muslim army. He immediately handed over command and expressed his willing desire to fight under him as an ordinary soldier and said:
"Abu 'Ubaidal, may Allah shower His Blessings on you; why did you not tell me as soon as you received the letter?"
The Amin-ul-Ummah, Abu 'Ubaidal replied: "He did not like to disturb him in the battlefield and stop h s advancing steps. We do not want the power of this world; neither do we work for this world. We are all brothers in working to please Allah Almighty."
Displaying exemplary patience and fortitude in this situation, Abu 'Ubaidah bin Al-Jarrah proved that the training and nurturing of the Prophet had left very deep-rooted and pleasant effects on him. He was not affected or elated by having been given command of the army. His heart had only one desire - the glorification of Islam.
After the conquest of Damascus Abu 'Ubaidah bin Al-Jarrah informed the Caliph 'Umar Farooq that the people of Damascus were very eager to see you and wanted to present you the keys of the city. As soon as he heard this 'Umar Farooq set out for Syria. He asked the people waiting to receive him about the whereabouts of his brother. The people were surprised and asked him, who brother was. He answered that he was asking about Abu 'Ubaidah bin Al-Jarrah . Then they pointed out that he was just approaching. 'Umar Farooque went forward and embraced him warmly and then accompanied him to his house. When he saw the very austere lifestyle of Abu 'Ubaidah bin Al-Jarrah, he was very surprised. There were no worldly goods in the house, nothing but his weapons - a sword, bow and arrows, and his saddle. 'Umar Farooq was amazed that a man of such high status had chosen to live such a simple life. He said: "Abu 'Ubaidah, it is very surprising that even though you have been appointed to such a high office, you have not made anything for yourself."
Abu ‘Ubaidal bin Al-Jarrah answered that what he had was sufficient for him. 'Umar Farooq answered that this was exactly what he had expected from him, that he would remain true and constant to the norms of trust worthiness.
Abu 'Ubaidah bin Al-Jarrah was performing h s duties of commanding the Muslim forces in Syria and conquering vast territories very rapidly; the whole of Syria had been conquered and Islamic empire had spread far and wide and graph of victories was at its peak. What transpired was that at this time the fatal disease of plague spread in the city, as it never had before. People were effected prey to it very rapidly. When 'Umar Farooq came to know of this he sent a messenger with a letter for Abu 'Ubaidah bin Al-Jarrah .
He wrote in the letter that he had some important business with him, and wanted him to make preparations and immediately set out for Al- Madinah to meet him. He was not to delay; if the letter reached him at night, he should set out before morning; if it reached him in the morning, he should set out before night fell.
When Abu 'Ubaidah bin Al-Jarrah read the letter he said sorrowfully that he knew what was the urgent and important work that 'Umar Farooq , had for me. He wanted to keep alive a man who was not born to live in this world forever. Then he wrote a letter to the Caliph 'Umar Farooq . After greeting him he said he knew what work he had for me. He was in the Muslim army and at that time the Muslims were involved in severe problems; he could not leave them alone at that critical phase, nor could he separate himself from them, unless it was Allah Almighty's Will to decide about their fate and his.
He appealed to the Caliph to consider him helpless to obey his commands in this matter and requested him to give him permission to stay with the Mujahideen of Islam.
When 'Umar Farooq received this letter and read it his eyes brimmed with tears. The Companions sitting around him were surprised to see this and asked him if here was some tragic news, and if the Commander of the Muslim forces, Abu 'Ubaidah bin Al-Jarrah had died. He answered:
"No, but death is very near him now."
And his guess, turned out to be correct, a few days later Abu 'Ubaidah bin Al-Jarrah was struck by the deadly plague.
Mu'adh bin Jabl stood up and told the people with quivering lips and a trembling voice: "Brothers in Islam! You are sunk in grief today for a man who was a better hearted than any of us. He had a pure heart free from malice or envy; and he was a man who loved the Hereafter and was the well-wisher of each one of us. He was a man who was given the title of 'Amin-Ul Ummah' and during his very lifetime on this earth he was given the glad tidings that he would go to Paradise by no less a person than the Prophet himself. He was a very lucky man indeed! Let us all pray that his position in Paradise ever exalted. May ALLAH shower his Blessings on him?"