Showing posts with label Faith. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Faith. Show all posts

Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Ibn Qayyim AI-Jawziyyah (691-751 AH.)

Through patience and poverty one attains leadership in religion.The seeker of Truth needs that will inspire him and push him upward and (religious) knowledge that will lead him and guide him."

hese words of  Ibn Qayyim AI- Jawziyyah sum up the personality of this great man, Muhammad ibn Abi Bakr, who is better known as Ibn Qayyim AI- Jawziyyah or Ibn AI-Qayyim, for short. He was born in 691 A.H.
He began his long journey on the road of learning early in his life, moving from one teacher to another to quench his thirst for knowledge. At the age of 21 (in 712 A.H.) Ibn AI-Qayyim met his teacher Ibn Taymiyyah another great hero of Islam and a revivalist of the faith. Their companionship lasted to the end of the teacher's life, Ibn AI-Qayyim kept close company to Ibn Taymiyyah with whom he suffered the pains of prison and flogging many a time.
Apparently, it was from Ibn Taymiyyah that he learn many special qualities such as frankness and courage, indefiance of the falsehood of others, including those in authority. For to both truth had to be said regardless of the consequences. But unlike his teacher, or Ibn AI-Qayyim was less fierce in his attacks (in words or action). The 8th century' Hijra witnessed a state of ignorance and feuds in the Muslim community. Muslims were fighting each other and each trying to impose his authority in everything including religious opinion and scholarship which suffered from stagnation. For the majority of religious scholars acted more like 'recorders' of knowledge rather than true scholars and teachers. To them their teachers were the main. If not the sale, source of knowledge, and the schools of thought they blindly imitated were the only acceptable ways.

Like his teacher Ibn Taymiyyah, Ibn AI-Qayyim spent his life in attempting to correct the wrong course the community was following. He fought the exaggerated reverence for the tombs of the pious despite the strong resistance he met with for the masses. He tried to show the errors committed by the misled sects and their blind followers.
For he considered that the disputes and fights among the Muslims of his time were caused by their sectarian attitude and chauvinistic practices, each one considering himself and his sector school of thought the only right one, and claiming that everyone else was on the wrong path.
Ibn AI-Qayyim spent most of his time and great efforts trying to unite the people, pointing out to them the dangers of blind imitation of the predecessors. He explained that  a Muslim should be open-minded; that is, he should accept what is right and good regardless of the teacher as long as what he or she accepts is consistent with the Quran and the Sunnah and the consensus of the scholars and thgeneral spirit of the faith. To him imitation was wrong in the following cases: 1) if it entails violation of Divine teachings, 2) if it represents an act of blind following of people we are not sure of their knowledge. 3) If it is in defiance of truth after finding it.
It was blind imitation that caused stagnation in scholar· ship and differences among people. Some so-called scholars, he pointed out, were not really scholars of Islam but rather simple propagators of others' opinions. To those people the words and views of their teachers or leaders were the only correct way of understanding the faith to the extent that they subjected even the interpretation if the Quran and the Prophetic teachings to the views of their teachers, which they wrongly took for the ultimate criteria.

Ibn AI-Qayyim considered that the sources of religious knowledge were to be taken in the following order:
1) The Our'an, 2) The Sunnah (Prophet Muhammad's teachings) and 3} The teachings of the companions of the Prophet. To these one could add consensus of Muslim scholars and analogy. Bigotry and prejudice were to him the enemies of learning. To propagate his views, Ibn AI-Qayyim wrote scores of books besides direct teaching.
In his own private life Ibn AL-Qayyim was a very pious and devout worshipper who spent most of his time in prayers and recitation of the Our'an. He was, in fact, an ascetic who rejected the unorthodox practices of some sufis (mystics) who claimed that religious teachings had external and internal sides, meaning that religious obligations (such as prayers, fasting during Ramadan etc. etc.) did not apply to them .
As pointed out earlier Ibn AI·Qayyim was a man of courage and frankness to whom truth was the ultimate goal. His open-minded and flexible attitude is reflected in his views on the correct understanding of religious laws (Shairah), and that these should be interpreted in the light of the circumstances of time and place, because Islam is intended and practicable for all mankind at all times. He wrote many books to

Explain this invaluable principle. Many of his views find their application in the legal system of modern nations more than six centuries after his death in 751 A.H.

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Golden Rules of Leadership

Leadership is Care
Leadership is Action
The difference between success and failure is leadership. The qualities of GREAT LARDERS in Islamic perspective are as below.
1. True, constant and firm Faith.
2. Dignified personality.
3. Valorous and courageous
4. Steadfast and resolute of purpose.
5. Strength of will and ability to execute.
6. Charismatic and magnetic personality.
7. Eloquent.
8. Generosity and liberality.
9. A sense of justice and fair play.

1.   True, constant and firm Faith
It is essential for a LEADER to have true and firm Faith in order to lead in the political and missionary spheres. A strong, firm and solid faith leaves a lasting and deep influence on the personality. This is a basic virtue that empowers the heart with courage, valor and a total lack of fear and ambition
But the Muslim Leaders regard victory with modesty and humility as a blessing and gift of Allah Almighty. This attitude is solely due to trust, faith and a right sense of values. When the Prophet entered Makkah triumphantly after conquering it, his head was bowed low down to the hump of his horse ingratitude to Allah Almighty, His Creator. He declared universal amnesty for all the people of Makkah. Similarly, a successful Leader faces obstacles, problems and adverse conditions, instead of losing heart, turns and moves closer to Allah. He faces all difficulties with courage and bravery.
Calamities, misfortunes and problems have to be faced with patience and fortitude because they prove to be the forerunners of victory and success. And how does one inculcate these qualities? They are born of a deep and abiding faith in Allah Almighty; many a time, because of these qualities, events which bewilder man's powers of reason and logic occur in the battlefield

Leadership Qualities
2.   Dignified personality
In order to fulfill one's duties as Leader are made to pass through certain stages in the course of their training. Special care is taken to see that they are trained according to a certain manner. This is in order to cultivate an imposing and dignified personality.
The leader has to have discipline and a sense of order. Therefore men who have to fulfill the duties of Leader have to possess an impressive personality. This imposing dignity and a certain aura of majesty impresses and overawes the onlooker; and feelings of love, respect and reverence take root in his heart. This blessed quality of dignity is a gift of Allah Almighty. It can become part of one's personality only if there is true Faith, fear of Allah Almighty, integrity, and an effort to guard moral and ethical values.
Not one person had the courage to look the Prophet $ in the eye. When he spoke the effect was almost as if the persons addressed had been mesmerized and could not move. There is no parallel in human history of a person evoking such a response. He was respected, revered and inspired and loved.

3.   Valor and Courage
Only that person can fulfill the responsibilities of a leader who is the personification of bravery, valor, daring and fearlessness. When the conditions in war are extremely unfavorable only a daring and fearless man can overcome and control them. 'Ali says that whenever matters took a critical turn in a battle they used :, to look at the bold and confident attitude of the Prophet and gain courage. Whenever the fighting was at its most intense he would display extraordinary daring and nerve and move as close as possible to the enemy and try to over welcome him.

4.   Steadfast and resolute of purpose
The Quran gives a golden principle about how to inculcate and develop this invaluable quality of steadfastness and resoluteness. Allah Almighty says:
"O you who believe! If you will help (in the cause of) Allah, He will help you, and make your foothold firm." (47:7)
In order to attain and achieve this great quality one must be prepared to sacrifice one's life and possessions to propagate and promote the religion of Allah Almighty. Whosoever helps to spread the religion of Allah Almighty, he will find Him to be his Supporter and Protector.
And if Allah Almighty gives him His Support and Protection then he is assured success now and in the Hereafter. Steadfastness is the stepping stone to real success as the Noble Quran has instructed. The Noble Qur'an says:
"O you who believe! When you meet (an enemy) take a firm stand against them and remember the Name of Allah much (both with tongue and mind), so that you may be successful." (8:45)
Firmness of purpose and remembrance of Allah are very important for a Leader.
5.   Strength of will and ability to execute
Any successful Leader has to have a strong will and be competent and efficient enough to have his orders executed. If he does not have this ability he will not be able to do justice to his plan.
A determined Leader will be resolute and firm in malting a decision and also in implementing it boldly and courageously.  There are many such examples in life where person practices abstinence, has great faith in and fear of Allah Almighty, but lacks self confidence, will power and the element of firmness in the actual execution of a well thought out strategy. In other words, theoretical planning by itself is of no use unless there is practical application. A leader must have the ability to plan the strength of will to decide firmly, and then to execute the plan. A person who does not have all these qualities cannot be a successful leader in any sphere social, political or Leader.
It is this element that gives continuity and a logical follow up to action. Allah says:
"Then, when you have taken a decision, put your trust in Allah certainly, Allah loves those who put their trust (in Him)."
Brave people always practice in every field; with firm and determined action they perform incredible and remarkable deeds. Lack of sturdy resolve makes a person act according to momentary whims and caprices, and he cannot by any means carry out the onerous responsibilities of a successful leader. Thus it is essential for a Leader that strength of will be very much part and parcel of his temperament.
6.   Charismatic and magnetic personality
All the qualities mentioned above pertain to the character and capabilities of the ideal Leaderand not to his physical appearance. But when a leader is selected it should be borne in mind that his physical attributes also have an effect on the development of his personality as a whole; besides they also affect the beholder as well as his subordinates
In social interaction smartness in dress, good manners and a certain elegance of style play a very positive role in winning over people. In this context if one studies the personal habits of the Prophet one sees how particular he was as regards personal hygiene, neatness and cleanliness. People would realize he had passed by a street because he left an aura of perfume behind hm. whenever he met delegations he would make it a point to dress well. Besides being cultured and well mannered a leader also has to have a fine physique.
7.   Eloquence
Eloquence and oratorical skills can be used to great effect to rouse emotions and feelings. A skillful orator through his eloquence can change the course of things, and can turn a peaceful environment into a flaming volcano. A Leader with his eloquence can inflame his men with a burning desire to go and get it done, and thus easily gain supremacy.
A trait shared by all notable Leaders in history has been eloquence. All appropriate and timely extempore and passionate address can have a magical effect on the men. In Leader schools the officers who are chosen to command are specially educated and trained in the skills of oratory, so that they can use this skill when the need arises. Every Leader must possess this ability.

8.   Generosity and liberality
A head of any department or establishment should be a liberal, beneficent and just person; this leads to many good results. A liberal person is universally loved and respected, and this helps him to perform his duties of leadership more easily and better.
Prophet said: "A generous and munificent person is closer to Allah Almighty, people and Paradise.”
Philanthropy and generosity adds great dignity to personalities.
The Prophet Peace be upon Him was extremely generous; often he would fill up the pulses of the needy to such an extent that prosperity and well being became theirs for life. It is but a fact of human nature that a generous person who benefits others is more loved and respected by others.
When a Leader behaves with compassion, generosity and kindness with all his subordinates in the, then it is only natural that they will love him and obey hm. Leadership and generosity are very closely bound to each other. During the training of Leaders the elements of compassion, generosity and kindness should be inculcated and the advantages resulting there from pointed out to them.
9.   A sense of justice and fair play
If all human beings behaved in a just and fair manner, society would be transformed and peace and tranquility would prevail. If person is unfair he will arouse great resentment and hatred. And this will affect his practical life. The Noble Qur'an enjoins this  "Be just: that is nearer to piety." (5:8)
Justice, impartiality, abstinence and fear of Allah are qualities which add radiance to personal magnetism. These are some basic characteristics which should be an essential part of the mental and physical makeup of any Leader. If the training centers pay attention to the inculcation and development of these qualities the Muslim nations will be able to produce great and efficient soldiers of Allah Almighty.