Friday, December 30, 2011

Names of Allah

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Thursday, December 29, 2011

Cancer in Latin America and American Conspiration

Chavez muses on US Latin America cancer plot

Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez has questioned whether the US has developed a secret technology to give cancer to left-wing leaders in Latin America.
Treated for cancer this year, Mr Chavez was speaking a day after news that Argentina's president had the disease.
Fernando Lugo of Paraguay, Dilma Rousseff of Brazil and her predecessor Lula have also had cancer.
Mr Chavez said this was "very strange" but stressed that he was thinking aloud rather than making "rash accusations".
But he said the instances of cancer among Latin American leaders were "difficult to explain using the law of probabilities".
"Would it be strange if they had developed the technology to induce cancer and nobody knew about it?" Mr Chavez asked in a televised speech to soldiers at an army base.
Who next?
Mr Chavez noted that US government scientists had infected Guatemalan prisoners with syphilis and other diseases in the 1940s, but that this had only come to light last year.
And he joked that he would now take extra care of the presidents of Bolivia and Ecuador - Evo Morales and Rafael Correa - lest they also be diagnosed with cancer.
Lula (left) with Brazilian President Dilma Rousseff in Sao Paulo on 6 DecemberBrazilian President Dilma Rousseff has beaten cancer, and Lula is fighting the disease
The Venezuelan leader, who is 57, has often accused the US of plotting to overthrow or even kill him.
He says he is now free of cancer after having surgery and chemotherapy in Cuba earlier this year.
The exact details of his illness have not been made public, fuelling speculation that his condition may be worse than he has let on.
Mr Chavez was the first regional leader to offer support to the Argentine President, Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner, after it was announced on Tuesday that she had thyroid cancer.
"We will live and we will conquer!" he told her.
Ms Fernandez, 58, is due to have an operation on 4 January, but doctors say her prognosis is very good.
Survivors' summit
Doctors treating former Brazilian President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva for throat cancer say the 66-year-old is responding well to chemotherapy and should make a full recovery.
Dilma Rousseff, 64 - who took over from Lula as Brazilian president a year ago - is fully recovered after receiving treatment for lymphoma cancer in 2009.
Paraguayan President Fernando Lugo, 60, was diagnosed with lymphoma in August 2010 but is now in remission after chemotherapy.
Lula and Mr Chavez have previously joked that they would hold a summit of Latin American leaders who had beaten cancer.
Ms Fernandez has now said that she will insist on being the "honorary president" of the summit of cancer survivors.

Sunday, December 25, 2011

Why India's Growth is Faltering

Why India’s Growth is faltering

India must define its priorities. If  we look at present unexpected bump and lower IIP number, one thing has become very clear this year India's growth is going for rough ride. The growth, development and middle class everything is just gone and vanished to give sleepless night.
If India want to grow and long term sustainable growth can only come from where it is needed most. In my opinion Rural and Agriculture is the core. Governments attitude of neglecting this sector for last one decade is sole reason for today debacle.

  1. Government must give enough weight-age to the rural and agriculture development  where 72% population resides.( This is steadily going in down in last one decade)
  2. Water shade management and conservation must be given priority so that the farmers in the areas of rain-fed farming may have better income and opportunities to go for multiple farming.
  3. India's infrastructure is pathetic, this must improve. Power generation should be priority.( Power generation should not be hold hostage to the governments foreign policy, government should sign gas pipeline agreement with Iran and this will reduce inflation and improve the power availability, the ultimate effect will be in good growth.)
  4. Indian Railway is outdated and should improve and upgrade. It must double its capacity to cater to the needs of growing aspirations of fast growth of India.
  5. Roads and Airports must be priority.
  6. Food industry should take priority.
  7. Mandi act needs to be amendment.

India: Priorities for Agriculture and Rural Development
Although agriculture contributes only 21% of India’s GDP, its importance in the country’s economic, social, and political fabric goes well beyond this indicator. The rural areas are still home to some 72 percent of the India’s 1.1 billion people, a large number of whom are poor. Most of the rural poor depend on rain-fed agriculture and fragile forests for their livelihoods.
The sharp rise in food grain production during India’s Green Revolution of the 1970s enabled the country to achieve self-sufficiency in food grains and stave off the threat of famine. Agricultural intensification in the 1970s to 1980s saw an increased demand for rural labor that raised rural wages and, together with declining food prices, reduced rural poverty.
Inequitable allocation of water: Many states lack the incentives, policy, regulatory, and institutional framework for the efficient, sustainable, and equitable allocation of water.
Deteriorating irrigation infrastructure: Public spending in irrigation is spread over many uncompleted projects. In addition, existing infrastructure has rapidly deteriorated as operations and maintenance is given lower priority.
Rural poor have little access to credit: While India has a wide network of rural finance institutions, many of the rural poor remain excluded, due to inefficiencies in the formal finance institutions, the weak regulatory framework, high transaction costs, and risks associated with lending to agriculture.
Weak Natural Resources Management: One quarter of India’s population depends on forests for at least part of their livelihoods.
India's "green revolution" allowed the country to produce enough food to feed its population - but 40 years on, is this revolution unraveling?
The Green Revolution was a deliberate, all-out attempt to become self-sufficient in basic food crops.
For 40 years. Under India's "Green Revolution" in the 1960s and 70s -- seen as one of the world's most successful agricultural turnarounds -- planting of high-yield varieties of wheat and rice resulted in a sharp output rise.
There has been a dearth of resource support to the farmers in the Union budgets which calls for urgent attention of the policy makers to boost budgetary investment in agriculture in general, and dry land and rain fed agriculture in particular. In 2006- 07, the share of agriculture in total budget was meager 1.4 percent. This has further declined to 1.27 percent in the current Union Budget 2010-11 (BE). A quantum jump of expenditure by the Ministry (to around 2.5 times, in absolute numbers, between 2004-05 and 2010-11) has been noticed. However, public spending in agriculture as a proportion of GDP is hardly perceptible. It has increased from 0.17 percent of GDP in 2004-05 to 0.20 percent of GDP in 2010-11 B.E. The government needs to direct its efforts towards improved rural infrastructure, agricultural research support, investments in water management and new technology/institutional innovations to increase agricultural productivity, and consequently growth of the economy. Long-term sustainability of India’s farming sector, particularly dry land agriculture, is only possible through coordinated efforts from different quarters along with increase in share of budgetary investment in the agriculture and allied sector and share of Central plan expenditure in agriculture.
Need for public investment
The record of agricultural growth in India in the second-half of the 2000s was hardly inspiring. Growth rates of agriculture in 2006-07 and 2007-08 were better on the average, riding on good monsoons and hardening global prices. However, the growth rates in 2008-09 and 2009-10 were, respectively, -0.1 per cent and 0.4 per cent. Advance estimates for 2010-11 have raised hopes again, but it is clear that elevating agriculture to a path of sustained growth requires a major increase in public expenditure. In particular, public investment, which would create fixed capital formation in agriculture, has to increase significantly to arrest decisively the trend of long-term decline. Budget 2011-12 plainly refuses to recognise this task as urgent.
How numbers are manipulated
The sharp rise in the supply of indirect finance was facilitated by a series of definitional changes made under the UPA regime on what constitutes priority sector credit in agriculture (for details, see R. Ramakumar and Pallavi Chavan, “Revival of Agricultural Credit in the 2000s: An Explanation”, Economic and Political Weekly, December 29, 2007). These definitional changes broadly involved (a) recognising new forms of financing commercial, export-oriented and capital-intensive agriculture as “agricultural” credit; and (b) raising the credit limit of many existing forms of indirect financing. For instance, from 2007 onwards, two-thirds of loans given to corporates, partnership firms and institutions for agricultural and allied activities in excess of Rs.1 crore per borrower were considered as indirect finance to agriculture; the remaining one-third were treated as direct finance to agriculture.
In 1990, about 83 per cent of agricultural credit was of a size less than Rs.2 lakh. In 2009, however, only about 44 per cent of agricultural credit was of a size less than Rs.2 lakh.
An area of darkness 
Over recent weeks, reports of frequent and increasingly longer power cuts from across the country have added another layer of serious concern to India’s faltering growth story. What is unusual about these power outages is that they have been occurring during the months of October and November, when demand is traditionally low. The immediate causes of the power crunch are well known. There is a growing and acute shortage of coal, which is the mainstay of power generation in the country, accounting for over 50 per cent of overall capacity. Over the past four years, demand for coal, mainly for thermal power generation, has grown by 7.3 per cent, while domestic output rose by only 5.4 per cent. What is most worrying is the significant drop in investment in the power sector in view of uncertainties on fuel availability and uneconomic pricing of power. The target for additional power generation capacity in the current plan of 62,000 MW (already reduced from the original 78,000 MW) is likely to have a shortfall of as much as 12,000 MW, according to the Planning Commission.
Indian railways lag 20-25 years behind world on technology front: E Sreedharan
Thanks to E Sreedharan , MD, Delhi Metro Rail Corporation, India's capital has a world class metro. A project that was on drawing board for decades and which many thought would be almost impossible to execute is up and running. He took charge in 1997 when he was 65 years old, long after he retired from the Railways in 1990. Today at 79, he is finally hanging his boots on December 31 to retire in his native village in Kerala. He spoke to ET on Delhi Metro, its success and his life. Excerpts:
You retired from the Railways, what's your prescription for Railways future? ( Thanks to E Sreedharan , MD)
Indian Railways has the world's fourth-largest network with 9,000 engineers but it lags 20-25 years behind the world on the technology front, it needs to be upgraded dramatically. 

The present model of development is not sustainable and will increase crime in urban areas and increase disparity among India's population.

There is no need of targeting 9% growth, India should target 7% inclusive growth which will reduce poverty and increase quality of life.

Saturday, December 24, 2011

How to Pray - Salaat Part 1

Salaat is the second most important pillar of Islam after Iman (Faith). The word Salaat means attending to, praying to or seeking nearness to Allah. Technically it refers to the five daily prayers in Islam. Allah made Salaat obligatory for the followers of all the Prophets.
There are a total of 67 verses in the Quran where the word Salaat has been mentioned describing either its importance or blessings.
Salaat distinguishes a Believer from non-Believer:
Establish regular Salaat, and be not among those who join (other) gods with Allah. (Rum 30:31)
Salaat is essential for receiving guidance from the Quran:
Alif Lam Meem, This is the Book, in it is guidance without doubt to those who fear Allah, who believes in the unseen (and) who are steadfast in (their) Salaat. (Al Baqara 2: 1-3)
Salaat is an essential attribute of Muslims:
The Believers men and women are protecting friends: They enjoin right and forbid wrong and they establish Salaat, practice charity and they obey Allah and His Messenger. (AI Tauba 9:71)
Punishment for those who neglect Salaat:
Each soul is a pledge for its own deeds except those of the right hand; they in the garden will ask the sinners: What drove you into Hell? They will say: We were not of those who observed Salaat (regularly), nor were of those who fed the indigent; but we used to talk vanities with vain talkers. (AI Muddassir 74:38-45)
On the Dreadful Day they shall be summoned to prostrate (in reverence), but they shall not be able to do so: Their eyes will be-cast down, ignominy will cover them: seeing that they had been commanded aforetime (to bow themselves), while they were hale and hearty, (but they refused to bow). (AI Qalam 68:42-44)

It is a means of achieving nearness of Allah:
Bow down in adoration (in Salaat), and bring yourself closer (to Allah). (Al Iqra 96: 19)
Salaat is a means of self-purification:
.... and establish regular Salaat, for Salaat restrains from shameful  and unjust deeds. (AI Ankabut 29:45)
Salaat is a means of tranquility to the heart:
Behold! The hearts find solace in the remembrance of Allah. (Al R 'ad 13:28)
Salaat is a source of strength and patience:
0 ye who believe! Seek help with patient perseverance and Salaat, for Allah is with those who patiently persevere. (Al Baqara2:153)
Following are a few Ahadis that further elaborate the importance and the blessings of Salaat.
It is a means of attaining Allah's Forgiveness:
Abu-Hurairah RA  reported Prophet   Peace Be Upon Him said: Tell me: if there be a river by the side of the door of someone wherein he takes bath five times a day, will there remain any dirt (on his body)? "No", said the companions. He then said: Thus are the five daily Salaat. Allah blots out all sins therewith (provided the great sins are avoided). (Bukhari, Muslim)
1. Fardh (Imperative). It is obligatory to pray the Fardh Salaat. Missing a Fardh Salaat constitutes a grave sin.
2. Wajib (Obligatory). It is obligatory to pray the Wajib Salaat as well. Missing a Wajib Salaat also constitutes a sin, but not as great as that of missing a Fardh Salaat.
3. Sunnah (Prophet's Practice). There are two kinds of Sunnah Salaat. One is known as Muakkadah. This is the one which Prophet Peace Be upon Him offered regularly; hence missing it also constitutes a sin. The other is known as Ghair Muakkadah. This is the one which Prophet Peace Be upon Him occasionally. Hence one may or may not observe it.
4. Nafil Voluntary. One may offer it for extra virtues but missing it does not constitute a sin.

Establish Salaat at the two ends of the day (Fajr and Maghrib), and at the appearance of night (Isha)( Al Hujrat)
 Establish Salaat at the going down of the sun (Zuhr). (Bani Israeel 1 7: 78)
Guard strictly your Salaat, especially the middle Salaat.( 'Asr). (Al  Baqara 2:238)

Times for Daily Fardh Salaat
1. Fajr: Dawn Salaat - From dawn break till prior to sun rise.
2. Zuhr: Early afternoon Salaat-  From the beginning of the decline of the sun till the time when the shadows of objects double in size
3. 'Asr: Late Afternoon Salaat -  Just after the end of Zuhr time till the sun begins to set
4. Maghrib: Sunset Salaat-  From the time of sunset till the disappearance of twilight. The latest time of Maghrib Salaat is about one and a quarter hour from the time of sunset.
5. Isha: Night Salaat - Just after the end of the Maghrib Salaat till the break of dawn

Times for Wajib Salaat
According to Imam Abu Hanifah there are three different Wajib Salaats.
1. Witr: It is usually offered immediately after the Isha Salaat. The preferred time for praying Witr  is after Tahajjid (late night) Salaat. The other schools of Fiqh consider Witr as Sunnah Muakkadah.
2. Eid Salaats: Eid Salaats are offered on the two Eid days after the sun rises, and has brightened distinctly. It can be offered till the decline of sun, but the preferred time is the early morning hours.
Hambali consider Eid Salaat as Fardh, whereas Shafa 'i and Maliki consider it to be Sunnah Muakkadah.
3. Once a person starts a NAFL l Salaat, it becomes Wajib for him to complete it, that is if for any reason he needs to leave it uncompleted he has to offer it later on.

Times when Salaat is Haraam (Forbidden)
1. When the sun is rising.
2. When the sun is setting.
3. At mid-day when the sun is at the highest point.

Times when Salaat is Makrooh (Undesirable)
I 1. The period between Fajr Salaat and the sunrise.
1 2. The period between 'Asr Salaat and the sunset.
This is based on the following Hadis narrated by Abu Sa'eed Khudri. No prayer should be offered after the Fajr Salaat until the sun rises or after the 'Asr Salaat until the sun sets. (Bukhari, Muslim)
3. When the food is ready to be served.
4. When one feels the need for passing stool, urine or gas.
5. When Fardh congregational Salaat is about to start or has started.
This is based on the following Hadis narrated by Abu Hurairah: When the Iqamah has been said, there is no valid Salaat except the Fardh Salaat for which the Iqamah was said. (Ahmad, Muslm)
6. When the Imam has started his sermon either on Friday or Eid days.
This is the Hanafi view. Other Jurists recommend praying of two Rak 'aat of Tahiyyat a1 Masjid even when the Imam has started his sermon.

A Rak 'at is a unit of Salaat. It consists of Qayom (standing in erect position), one Ruku (bowing down) and two Sajdu (Prostrations). Each Salaat consists of two to four Rak'aat. According to Hanafi  Fiqh, the five daily Salaats consists of the following sets of Rak 'aat.
Fajr: 2 Sunnah Muakkudah before 2 Fardh.
Zuhr: 4 Sunnah Muakkudah before 4 Fardh followed by 2 Sunnah Muakkudah and 2 Nafil.
'Asr: 4 Sunnah Ghair Muakhdah before 4 Fardh
Maghrib: 3 Fardh followed by 2 Sunnah Muakkadah and 2 Nafil.
Isha : 4 Sunnah Ghair Muakhdah prior to 4 Fardh, then 2 Sunnah Muakkadah, 2 Nafl , 3 Witr and 2 Nafil.

How to Pray Fardh, Sunnah and Nafil Salaat
1. Begin the Salaat with the proper intention either in your mind or verbally, that is, the kind of Salaat you are offering; Fardh, Sunnah or NafiI and the time of Salaat; that is, Fajr, Zuhr or 'Asr etc.
2. Face the Qibla and standup in a natural position. Put your feet at least four inches apart and your gaze towards the place of your Sajdah. Men should raise their hands up to the ear lobes and the women up to their shoulders. The palms should be open and facing the Qibla.
It should be added that according to Imams Hambal and Shafa'i the hands should be put on the chest.
The first uttering of AIIaho Akbar is called Takbeer-e- Tahrimah. The worshipper then enters the act of Salaat. All worldly actions, talking and even unnecessary motions are then forbidden.
The worshipper should keep his eyes open and look only towards the place where the forehead rests for prostration.
4. Begin the Salaat with the recitation of Sana.
Glory be to you, 0 Allah!, and I praise you. Blessed is your name, and you are exalted. There is no God other than you.
5. Recite Auzbillah and then bimillah (I seek Allah's protection from Satan, ths accursed. I begin in the name of Allah, who is Most Kind and Most Merciful.)
6. Recite chapter Al Fatiha and say Aameen at the end of its recitation. Afterwards recite at least three short verses or one long verse from the Quran.
7. While praying Sunnah and Nofil Salaat, recite the extra verses from the Quran besides chapter Al Fatiha in each Rak'at. While praying Fardh Salaat, recite the extra verses of the Quran only in the first two Rak'aat. In the remaining Rak'aat recite only chapter Al Fatiha.
8. Saying Allaho Akbar, bend down for Ruku (bowing). Keep your head aligned with your back and tightly hold the knees with your palm. Now recite the following Tasbeeh three or any odd number of times.
Glorified is my Lord, the Great.
9. Saying the following, resume the upright position, which is called Qaumah.
Allah listens to him who praises Him. According to Hambali Fiqh, one should raise both hands up to his ear lobes while going down and also while rising from the position of Ruku, and when standing up from the position of Sajdah. The other jurists do not recommend this practice.
10. Stand at ease for a while and leave your hands hanging by the sides of your body and say the following.
Our Lord! Praise is only for you.
1 1. Saying Allaho Akbar, go down for Sajdah (Prostration). Put your face on the ground between your palms in such a way that the thumbs are lined with the ear lobes. The stomach should be raised above the thighs. The whole body should rest on the knees and the toes should point towards Qibla. In this position recite the following Tasbeeh three or any odd number of times.
Glorified is my Lord, the Exalted.
12. Saying Allaho Akbar, assume the upright siting position which is called Jalsah. Keep your right foot up as in Sajdah and place your left foot flat on the ground. Rest the two hands on the thighs with the fingers reaching the knees. Wait for a few moments, then by saying Allaho Akbar, go down for the second Sajdah and recite the Tasbeeh as in the first Sajdah.
13. Saying Allaho Akbar, stand up in the erect position. This completes one Rak 'at of Salaat.
In a similar manner complete the number of Rak 'aat prescribed for different Salaat.
14. After completing the two Sajda in the second Rak 'at, assume the sitting position of Jalsah, and recite Tashahhud, this is known as the position of Qaidah.
Allah's peace be upon you, 0 Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu AIaihi wasallam and His Mercy and Blessings. Peace be on us and on all righteous servants of Allah. I bear witness that there is no god but
Allah and I bear witness that Muhammad Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam is His servant and Messenger.
While saying, "There is no god but Allah". make a fist with right hand and raise only the fore-finger, denoting the oneness of Allah.
15. If the Salaat consists of more than two Rakat, one should say Takbeer i.e. Allaho Akbar after the recitation of Tashahhud and stand up for the remaining part of Salaat.
16. If the Salaat consists of only two Rak 'aat, then after recitation of Tashahhud, recite the following invocation on Rasulullah Sallallahu Alaihi Wasdam. 0 Allah! have mercy on Muhammad and those related to Muhammad just as you had mercy on Ibrahim and those related to Ibrahim. Surely, you are praiseworthy, the exalted. 0 Allah! send blessings on Muhammad and on those related to Muhammad just as you sent blessings on Ibrahim and those related to Ibrahim. Surely, You are praiseworthy, the exalted.
17. After this, say any of the following Du 'a (supplication) :
0 Allah, I have been unjust to myself and no-one grants pardon for sins except You, therefore, forgive me with Your forgiveness and have mercy on me. Surely, You are the Forgiver, the Merciful.
18. Turn your face first to right and then to left shoulder. Each time say the following:
Peace be on you and Allah's Mercy.
19. This act is called Tasleem. It constitutes the end of Salaat. The person then may resume the normal activities of life.
20. It is most recommended to offer Dua (supplication) after the completion of Fardh Salaat. In one of the Hadis reported in Tirmidhi it is narrated that invocations made after Fardh Salaat are granted. Following are a few of recommended invocations:
Allah! You are the peace and You are the source of peace. You are blessed and the possessor of (all) Glory and Honor. (Muslim)

Salaat How to Pray 1
Salaat How to Pray 2
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Salaat How to Pray 19

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Salaat How to Pray 20

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Salaat How to Pray 30

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